Spirit of the 4th

fireworksThe fireworks display in Oakland, while not held on the 4th of July, certainly held the spirit of the 4th. It incarnated the vision of John Adams who foresaw that Independence Day for America would forever be celebrated in the hearts, in the homes, in the streets and in the fields. (see video of Oakland’s fireworks below)

The fireworks at the carnival lit up the heavens with explosions of lights and sparkles that dazzle the eye and leave a soft ringing in the ears. Residents took home memories of the brilliant crescendo leading to a finale that seemed destined to never end.

Standing, sitting, or lying on blankets, all necks were craned to watch the man made stars shooting and bursting across the night sky in Oakland. Vibrations of the thunderous sounds could be felt in the ears, the chest, the heart, and no doubt they were good vibrations.

“…I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”
John Adams, letter of July 3, 1776, to his wife Abigail

Videos of Oakland’s 2010 fireworks by Ryan Robinson.