Monthly Archives: September 2010

NJ’s Impending Disaster

A new study, conducted over the course of two years, is predicting that the next fiscal crisis to hit America will be at the local level with municipalities struggling to pay off their debt. The steady increase in government spending, the recent implosion of the housing market, and an overall […]

Rock Out, Rock On 3

Submitted by Charlie McCormick The Christopher Brandle Joy of Life Foundation served up one of the most memorable fundraisers in Oakland with a simple recipe:  good food, good music, good fun, good people. The recipe was simple, but it took a lot of hands, a lot of planning, and a […]

Controversy Everywhere

Controversy Everywhere: By Ryan Robinson Wherever one goes across the country or around the world, there will always be a “he said” or “she said” moment. Most times, the person that blames another is doing it so they don’t get into trouble themselves. However, one can’t always assume that one […]

On The Job – September 22nd

On September 16, 2010 Ptl. Kern was dispatched to a reported motor vehicle crash on Yawpo Ave.   Upon arrival, Officer Kern noticed that the driver of one of the vehicles involved appeared unsteady on his feet and was speaking very slowly.  Feeling that the driver may be impaired, he called […]

STEMing America’s Decline

The administration at Valley Middle School provided a tour of the new science lab to members of the Oakland Education Foundation on September 13th. This same week President Obama helped launch Change The Equation which is a 501(c)3 headed by prominent CEO’s to help promote student interest in STEM careers, […]

Browns vs The Ordinance

The cameras rolled into the town council chambers to record the most recent development concerning 7 Oakland dogs, 3 of them outlaws. Television stations and newspapers sent reporters to cover the story, and some of the coverage can be found at :,, and; a news video is […]