The Center For Disease Control and Prevention is reporting 1,118 case of West Nile people, and 41 deaths. Health officials say they expect the number of cases to rise as the disease peaks in mid-August and early September.
West Nile has hit humans in 38 states, but evidence of its existence has been confirmed in 47 states. Two New Jersey residents have tested positive for the virus.
In 2010, which was the last bad year for New Jersey, 30 people tested positive for the virus, and two died from it. The virus has been confirmed in all New Jersey counties this year, 2012.
According the the NJ Department of Health, most infections produce no symptoms in people, or symptoms are mild or moderate. Approximately 4 out of 5 who are infected will show no symptoms, and about 1 out of 5 cases produce mild symptoms including: fever, headache, and body aches, often with skin rash and swollen lymph glands.
Only 1% of cases show more severe infections which can result in disorientation, convulsions, paralysis, coma, and, rarely, death. Persons age 50 years or older and immune-compromised individuals are at a higher risk of developing a more severe infection.
Mosquitoes breed in standing water, even in very small areas such as flowerpots or the pet food
dishes. Oakland residents should eliminate stagnant water around the home in discarded tires, blocked gutters, unclean birdbaths, poorly maintained pools, and any type of receptacle with decaying organic matter.
When outside, apply insect repellant to exposed skin. Always use an EPA-approved repellent
according to the directions on the product label. Products containing DEET or Picaridin these typically provide longer-lasting protection.