Family Day at The Beach

Oakland picked a perfect trifecta for Family Day on Saturday. The triad of The Newcomers and Neighbors Club, The Mothers Club and The Fathers Club packed up for a day as they helped host The Crystal Lake Club’s Family Day. There were volleyball games in the beginning of the day if you needed to work up a sweat before hitting the lake, and Hula Hoops and Limbo in the shade later on. Lots of barbequing, plenty of liquids, and a pie eating contest in mid-afternoon–there’s always room for some pie. Later on judges cast their votes on the sand castles built along the shores.

The Oakland Newcomers and Neighbors club is an organization of Oakland women that provide residents with an opportunity to learn about their community, socialize and get involved in some of their civic activities. They hold regular events to raise funds for scholarships and to support local charities or supplement municipal programs. Some of the social activities they offer are geared only for women, and others allow for men to tag along for a little diversity. Read about the big dinner dance scheduled for the end of June in the Announcement section of The Oakland Journal.

The Father’s Club must have enjoyed the Tug of War planned for the latter part of the afternoon. It was a purely spectator sport for them as women from The Mother’s Club and women from The Newcomers & Neighbors Club squared off on the beach at Crystal Lake. Tug of War was an Olympic sport from 1900 to 1920 under the track and field category, and an American team from Milwaukee won in 1904. Perhaps the pythonic efforts of these two teams might get the International Olympic Committee to reconsider allowing Tug of War in the games.

For those readers who might have been looking for a snack at the beginning of the Minor’s All-Star game, the mystery as to why the Rec Stand was not open then is solved right here. Volunteers from The Fathers Club and The Mothers Club run the Rec Stand along with the Recreation Commission, another Oakland triad that falls under the administrative umbrella of the Oakland Sports Association. The Rec Stand is becoming a real fixture, so there was a bit of disappointment as the first game was getting under way, but cheers to the volunteers for all they do– A well deserved day for all to get together can only lead to more creative ideas for Oakland.