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Sherril Cox grew up in Wyckoff, and she returned to live here twelve years ago with her husband Pedro Guimaraes. While many couples are drawn together by mutual interests, a special bond is created when this interest is discovered together. This is the case with the Wyckoff couple who continue to appreciate and excel at their passion for nature photography.
Many people are aware of the ancient Native American belief that you can steal a person’s soul by taking their photograph; it is a belief not uncommon in many cultures around the world. There is something magical about capturing a great shot, and perhaps this belief has an element of truth in it for the photographer that can capture the essence of a moment. The Wyckoff photographers, Cox and Guimaraes, seem to understand that special connection. “It’s very satisfying to capture a unique shot. It’s exciting when you see a great shot in front of you, and even more exciting when you get home and realize that you were able to capture it.”
At this point, photography is a very important part of their lives, and when they travel picking a destination that will allow them to explore and take pictures is always part of the plan. But the local area is rich in natural resources where nature photographers can find subjects. It could be the McFaul Environmental Center, the Lorrimer Sanctuary, or one of the county or state parks surrounding the area. Using a digital point and shoot with a high zoom lens, they attribute the high quality of their work to both technical skill and opportunity, “There’s always a certain amount of luck, which is increased by the frequency in which we go out. It’s equally important to be able to move slowly and quietly as it is to understand their habits and behavior….A cloudy day will most often result in a flat picture as far as scenery, but is great for a wildlife portrait.”
Fine art photography can incorporate many subjects, whether it be scenes or faces, pets or city streets, but for Cox and Guimaraes it is nature. “Some people see beauty in a building, a city or a human expression. We see it in nature. It’s what inspires us.”
Readers can click on the photos below to see a larger image with an accompanying excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay Nature. Clicking on the photo again will render an even larger image.
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