Turn to Paige…

Local residents might have to travel to New York City to hear some great new music, but they can find the artist in their own backyard.

Megan Paige of Franklin Lakes is following in the singer/sogwriter tradition. With a full bodied voice that fluctuates with emotion, Megan’s songs offer a unique balance between vulnerability and strength. The songs themselves have an element of angst that is often heard in the work of female singer/songwriters, but her voice projects the strength of an old soul.

Megan was kind enough to answer a few questions for The Journal. She is performing August 7 at The_Underscore in NYC. The show starts at 8:30 pm. Also, her first demo is available for sale via The Megan Paige website.

Readers can scroll to the bottom of the article and play some of Megan’s music while reading the article.

Did you write songs as a child?
As a very young child I wrote things here and there and pretended to be a famous singer all the time but never really told anyone! But, I remember on one of my Father’s birthdays I wrote him a song as a present and gave it to him on one of those little hand recorders, I must’ve been around 8 years old. My family really had no idea I sang at all until I was in my first play “Really Rosie,” also around 8, when I got the lead and had to sing about 4 or 5 different songs. Because I was always a little shy about it they never heard me practice so when they saw the final production they were all completely in shock!

What inspired you to finally take to performing publicly?
It’s been a long time coming, I’ve been singing and acting since before I can remember and really committed to solely being a musician towards the end of high school. At that point my song writing skills weren’t the best and I couldn’t really play any instrument besides picking out notes on a piano. Eventually I got better at songwriting, found my style and taught myself piano which really seemed to be a necessity in order to play out. Then I just recently recorded my demo with 2 other amazing musicians and friends, Bobby Kay and Christopher Sulit at Christopher’s studio in Paramus, “Moonskull Studios“. Once that was done there was really nothing left to do but bring it to the public! I’ve wanted to do this for so long so it feels good to finally be out there.

Do you play other instruments besides the keyboards?
I play the guitar really badly ha-ha that was what I picked up before the piano, but I never really got into it and I didn’t seem to be able to write good songs with the guitar. I really fell in love with the piano.

When did you start piano lessons?
Well, I took lessons as a child but stopped when I was around 10 so until recently I really couldn’t play the piano at all. I always wanted to be able to just sit down at the piano and write a song but it never happened, till about a year ago when I sat down at the piano, determined for it to happen and it did! I
haven’t stopped writing since and playing the piano has now become my number one way to relax.

Which comes first, the lyrics or the music when creating a song?
Well it really changes all the time. Sometimes I’ll think of an awesome phrase, write it down and create a song to go with it and other times I’ll think of a really catchy tune, record it on my phone and then come back to it and add the lyrics. Also, if I’m messing around on the piano a lot of times I come up with music I really like and then will bring in the lyrics. But, I never have all the lyrics before I add the music or visa versa. It’s always a process, the music and the lyrics have to match perfectly or I won’t move forward. Because of that I can get completely consumed by a song and think of nothing else till it’s done!

Who are the most creative influences for you right now?
I’ve always loved Fiona Apple and Alanis Morissette, I’m so glad Alanis recently put out a new album, she’s a total genius! My phrasing in songs can be a little weird sometimes and that’s totally Alanis’ influence! Also, I absolutely love Gnarls Barkley, their creativity definitely helped me develop my style and inspired me to try new things and get more creative.