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Homerule: Use It or Lose It

The newly launched website, TownStats.org, is providing residents of New Jersey with a new tool for comparing budget items of different towns, side by side, line by line. On the surface, this might appear to be a beauty contest between budget numbers, but in practice it should lead to innovation […]

Fire On The Hill 1

An Oakland home was destroyed by fire, Thursday April 21st. The Oakland Volunteer Fire Department, with mutual aid from neighboring towns, fought the blaze which eventually consumed the home located in the Ramapo River Reserve. No lives were lost, and volunteer firefighters contained the blaze and protected neighboring homes situated […]

Oakland Government’s Dichotomy 7

The town council meeting of February 9th presented a dichotomy of events that struck at the cord of community. Don Burns, who has served the community for decades, was honored for his service and his tenure as a member of Oakland’s town council. Notably the most independent of council members […]

Rec Commissioner asked to Resign UPDATE 2 3

UPDATE: Steve Wagoner has informed the Mayor, Council and Borough of Oakland that: “After much thought I have decided to sue the Mayor and Council and the Borough of Oakland in Superior Court for my unlawful removal from the Recreation Commission.” UPDATE: Steve Wagoner has informed the Mayor that he […]

Oakland’s Census Numbers

The census results in New Jersey show population growth, but not enough to avoid losing a congressional seat. Below are the preliminary numbers for the FLOW area, and an interactive map. Oakland Borough 12,466 in 2000 to  12,754 in 2010  . Franklin Lakes Borough10,422 in 2000 to 10,590  in 2010. Wyckoff […]