January 2011 Reviews

As reviewed by Andrea Dochney of the Oakland Public Library.

andreasquirrelSquirrel’s New Year’s Resolution
By: Pat Miller

The beginning of a new year provides an opportunity for a fresh start with resolutions.  Squirrel heads to her local library to find out what “resolution” means (already a plus for this library worker).  Squirrel visits her woodland friends to learn their resolutions.  Squirrel helps each friend and in turn, discovers her resolution, to help someone every day! The book is a great way to introduce the concept behind New Year’s resolutions and does so with adorable, lively illustrations.

The Night Before New Year’s
By: Natasha Wing

A New Year’s spin on the classic “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, Wing’s tale tells of a brother and sister’s struggle to ring in the new year.  Can they stay awake long enough?  The plot describes the traditional New Year’s goodies from sparklers to noisemakers but the excitement may be too much for some of the partiers to last.

Eight Days: A Story of Haiti

By: Edwidge Danticat

On January 12, 2010, devastation came to Haiti.  This book recounts how one boy spent eight days trapped in his house and how he survived.  The mixed media illustrations portray his story beautifully reinforcing themes of hope and survival rather than despair.  More information is given on Haiti and how children responded to the crisis.  This book is valuable for any child wanting to know a little more about the earthquake in Haiti.

andreamlkMy Uncle Martin’s Big Heart
By: Angela Watkins

Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrates the contributions and life of the great civil rights activist.  This book, written by Dr. King’s niece, highlights his public accomplishments as well as depicts his personal family life.   The artwork is realistic and touching and brings to life both the amazing and mundane scenes of King’s life.  The book is perfect for the younger elementary aged crowd to broaden their understanding of a man we take a day off to recognize.