Baby Deer

Submitted by E. Julia Murray

becareful of baby deer on roads

becareful of baby deer on roads

Driving to the gym this past Sunday morning on Franklin Lakes Road, I saw a beautiful baby deer, a week old or less, lying by the side of the road in front of the Franklin Lakes fire station. Such a beautiful little animal, spotted and angelic, I drew in a breath and said a prayer… My first reaction was to wonder how this beautiful little angel lay here so close to the road… A baby animal, one of God’s creatures, without a chance. I should move the little animal and somehow pay respects…

On my way home just two hours later, I braced myself as I looked to my left and saw a heartwarming and then heart-wrenching sight as the mother deer now stood and nudged the baby just inches from the speeding traffic.

I summoned a firefighter to help me move the little baby deer away from the road, hoping to reduce the chance of the mother’s demise… We dragged the baby deer 20 feet back and I covered her and said a prayer… The mother stood and watched closely… When it was over, she finally ran across the busy road and I braced myself praying that she wouldn’t be hit by the speeding cars, talking on cell phones, not paying attention….

Editors Note:

White-tailed deer are born in late spring and early summer. The fawns follow their mothers but, depending how young they are, do not move as quickly or as assuredly.

If you see a deer on the side of the road, slow down and blow your horn with one long blast to frighten the deer away. If the deer is in the roadway, brake firmly. Do not swerve. It can confuse the deer as to where to run.

Keep alert as deer and other wildlife do not travel alone.