Oakland Students Receive Caddie Scholarships


KENILWORTH (July 27, 2012)  — Andrew Costa and Jacob Martin, both of Oakland, NJ,  are 2012-13 recipients of New Jersey State Golf Association Caddie Scholarships.

caddielogoNJSGA Caddie Scholars receive a minimum award of $3,500 per year for all incoming freshmen and new in-college recipients. All existing scholarships were increased by $500 for the upcoming academic year. This action is a continuance of the Foundation’s long-range goal to keep pace with the continued increase in tuition costs.

The capability to follow through on this plan is the result of increased revenues generated by the Caddie Scholarship Program.

While admittedly a supplemental scholarship in terms of overall college costs, the NJSGA Caddie Scholarship plays an important role for most recipients, given that the main focus is to provide scholarships for those most in need. Since its inception in 1947, the Foundation has funded over $9 million to almost 2,500 caddie scholars.

The scholarships are funded through individual member contributions at the NJSGA’s member clubs that sponsor caddie programs. The applicant must have caddied at least two (2) golfing seasons, document financial need, and demonstrate an academic record consistent with college requirements.

Further information may be obtained by contacting Johanna Gavin at 908-241-GOLF (4653) or at the NJSGA  website (NJSGA.org).

About the NJSGA

In accordance with the mission statement, the New Jersey State Golf Association, a non-profit organization of member clubs and courses, is dedicated to serving golf in New Jersey. Founded in 1900, the NJSGA was formed for the purpose of promoting and conserving the true spirit of the game throughout the state. Now in its 112th year, the NJSGA has continued to grow and serves more than 275 clubs, courses and organizations representing more than 100,000 golfers throughout the state. It conducts 22 men’s and women’s tournaments, offers handicapping service (GHIN), has donated more than $8 million through its Caddie Scholarship Foundation and promotes the growth of golf through its Youth Foundation.