Summer Poll 2011 RESULTS

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OAKLAND, NJ PUBLIC OPINION POLL FOR SUMMER/ELECTION OF 2011 (Poll form online from August 2, 2011- August 15, 2011, Polled Oakland residents at post office on 8/4/11, 8/8/11, 8/11/11, and 8/15/11)

Results for the Summer/Election 2011 Poll taken from August 2, 2011 until August 17, 2011. Margin of error is 7.5%.

1. What is your age?

18-25 –> 8%
26-34 –> 4%
35-44 –> 22%
45-59 –> 55%
60+ –> 11%

2. What is your political affiliation?

Democrat –> 16%
Independent –> 17%
Republican –> 38%
No Affiliation –> 29%

3. In what direction do you see Oakland heading in the next five years?

We’re in a good direction, getting better –> 13%
We’re going to stay about the same, it’ll be good –> 54%

We’re going to stay the same, it’ll be bad –>15%
We’re in a bad direction, getting worse –> 18%

4. Have you heard of the website “” and/or the organization “Republicans for Schwager, Coira, and Lesher”?

YES–> 34%
NO –> 62%

5. How do you receive information about Oakland? (select all that apply)

Delivered Newspaper –> 29%
Online (Newspaper/Journal) –> 16%
Word of Mouth from Neighbor or Town Friend –> 28%
Town Website/Oakland TV/Town Newsletter –> 20%
Other –> 7%

6. Do you plan on voting this fall for the Oakland Mayor and Council seats?

YES–> 88%
NO –> 5%
Not Registered to Vote –> 2%

7. Who do you plan to vote for council? (part 1) (Select those that apply)

Elizabeth Stagg –> 13%
Sandra Coira –> 16%
Not Registered to Vote –> 2%

8. Who do you plan to vote for council? (part 2) (select those that apply)

Eric Kulmala –> 7%
Henry Lesher –> 15%
Not Registered to Vote –> 2%

9. Who do you plan to vote for mayor this fall?

John Szabo –> 19%
Linda Schwager –> 24%
NOT SURE –> 55%
Other/Write In –> 0%
Not Registered to Vote –>2%

10. If you were to vote on the special referendum regarding the Stream House and the Van Allen House, which would you vote for? (select those that apply)

NOTE: This was an optional question on this survey. One could select as many options as they wanted but by not answering, the respondent was saying “No, I disagree with that statement.” The results reflect those who did not say “no” to every statement but those who agreed with one or several of the statements.

Yes, Van Allen House should be restored –> 50%
Yes, Stream House should be restored –> 21%
Yes, fund future maintenance of the buildings by an additional, to-be-determined contribution to the borough’s open space trust fund. –> 29%

11. Are you in favor of the borough’s decision to hire a part-time rec director?

YES –> 37%
NO –> 35%

12. Have you taken one of my polls before?

YES –> 17%
NO –> 80%
NOT SURE –> 3%