Oakland Mayor Visits Barnstable Academy

Oakland Mayor Visits Barnstable Academy
Mayor Linda H. Schwager takes time out to meet students and teachers.

barnstablemayorOakland, NJ, May 16, 2014 – The halls were filled with anticipation and a festive atmosphere. This was not just any ordinary day at local middle and high school, Barnstable Academy. This day marked the first visit from Oakland’s Mayor, Linda Schwager.

Teachers, staff and students were thrilled to welcome this special visitor into the school, and prepared a warm welcome. Mayor Schwager spent time visiting with the administration, touring the school and meeting with some of Barnstable’s students, including Justin, pictured below with Mayor Schwager.

“I enjoyed my visit to Barnstable Academy, especially the time spent on the tour conducted by two students. I was extremely impressed with the students and the facilities,” stated Mayor Schwager.

She continued, “I had the wonderful opportunity to visit classes in session and was impressed with the students’ participation and interaction in the small classes.”

Executive Director Lizanne Coyne was very pleased to have this chance to show Mayor Schwager the unique aspects of a Barnstable education, and how they provide an individualized experience for each student while maintaining the facilities and programs of a much larger campus. Coyne stated, “The students and teachers very much enjoyed this special visit from our mayor, and we hope to welcome her to our school halls again in the near future.”

Barnstable Academy is located at 8 Wright Way in Oakland, New Jersey and provides an alternative college preparatory education to students in grades 5 through 12. For more information about Barnstable’s unique approach to middle school and high school education, please call (201) 651-0200 or visit www.barnstableacademy.com.