OFD 100 Year Celebration Begins

The Ramapo Valley Baptist Church held a service kicking off the celebrations honoring the Oakland Volunteer Fire Department’s 100 year Anniversary. Pastor Herb Dorfman presided over the service and Russell Stammer, the Pastoral Intern of the RVBC and firefighter and Chaplain of the Oakland Fire Department brought the message. The children were brought a special message by Russell Stammer and each given their own fire helmets by the OFD. Many members of the OFD attended the service in full uniform. The Ladies’ Auxiliary was also honored. They were thanked by all for their continued service and devotion.

Christine Vella Lovette led the RVBC chorus and congregants with beautiful music including The Firefighters’ Hymn. A history of the fire department was given and achievements recognized. Afterwards a reception followed and the children were thrilled when they were allowed to tour the Fire Trucks.

Congratulations to the Oakland Fire Department on their 100 years of service to our community!

See pictures of the event below.

The Firefighters’ Hymn
Almighty Father, strong to tame,
Whose arm hath cooled the raging flame,
Who calls us to our neighbor’s place
and keeps us safe from danger’s face;
Oh, hear us when we call to Thee,
For those in peril set them free!

O Christ! Whose voice the flames have heard
And quenched their raging at Thy Word.
He keeps us from the smoke and heat,
Our prayers He hears before we sleep;
Oh, hear us when we pray to Thee,
For those in peril set them free!

To see pictures by the OFD’ photographer, Jim DeLillo, visit the Oakland Fire Department website

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