The WOLF Pack

wolfpackA generation has grown up knowing the acronym FLOW for the Franklin Lakes, Oakland and Wyckoff communities that work together, most notably in conjunction with supporting the regional high schools. Welcome a new acronym that is reflective of the aggressive efforts being made by local municipal leaders to try and keep the towns’ operating costs down. The WOLF Pack, as it is being affectionately called, is the group of Wyckoff, Oakland, and Franklin Lakes officials who are meeting regularly to explore areas of mutual support.

Elected representatives from each town have agreed to meet monthly to share ideas, offer suggestions, and seek out areas where working together can benefit the three towns financially. The first meeting resulted in concrete achievements with an agreement to seek out a collective bid for recreational equipment. Wyckoff, whose itemized bid structure was most conducive to a collective effort, has taken the lead in using the power of three towns purchasing to find savings for all in terms of equipment and uniforms.

Tax revenues state wide are down, costs have gone up, and municipalities can expect to see less and less municipal aid trickling down from Trenton. Although all three towns are involved in other areas of collective purchasing, the Wolf Pack believes that there can be much more accomplished without the bureaucracy associated with many other group efforts.