Troop 49 turns 50

2013 is a milestone year for Boy Scout Troop 49 as we celebrate the Troop’s Fiftieth Anniversary.  We thank the Oakland Public Library for allowing us to share our Troop’s history in this venue. Come see the exhibit during the month of September!

Troop 49 was founded in 1963 and is chartered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Church.  For fifty years, countless boys have experienced adventure, camaraderie, loyalty and leadership with the Troop and have developed into faithful leaders and citizens. Troop 49 boasts of having 75 Eagle scouts in its ranks, and over the years has served the Oakland community with food collections, community cleanups, clothing drives and numerous other service projects.

During these fifty years, the scouts have traveled to historical sites and battlefields, paddled the lakes of the Adirondacks, explored the rivers of the Pine Barrens, camped in the Kittatinny mountains,  discovered Nantucket, soaked in the history of Williamsburg, sailed the Bahamas and the Florida Keys, rafted Delaware white waters, backpacked Philmont Scout Reservation in New Mexico and canoed the back country of Minnesota’s Northern Tier – all the while learning lessons of Scouting and life along the way. They have changed their lives and those they have touched.

Scouts and Scoutmasters have come and gone over the years, but the Troop lives on because of the Spirit of Scouting endures and builds true leaders who give back to Troop 49 and to leaders of the future.  The experience truly makes a difference in the lives of these scouts.   If you are interested in joining, just want to talk about the great outdoors, or would like to donate your time, talent or treasure

please contact:

Scoutmaster: Paul Burns – (201) 410-7903,
or Committee Chairman: Jim Folkerts – (201) 294-2487,
Or visit our website:

Yours in Scouting,

Paul Burns, Scoutmaster and Jim Folkerts, Troop 49 Committee Chair

One of Troop 49's displays at the library this month.

One of Troop 49's displays at the library this month.