Exclusive Interview with Santa!

While Santa is in town for Oakland’s Annual Lighting Ceremony, The Oakland Journal had the honor of Interviewing the Jolly Old Elf! What will you ask Santa tonight?


Tell us about the kids in Oakland- overall, have they been naughty or nice?
In 2013 Nice-o-meter has been way up – 37% nicer than last year. The elves witnessed more acts of kindness and friendship from the Oakland Rec fields through to all the Oakland schools. He especially liked the Eagle scout picnic project & the progress on the new Playland area park (Rudolph has a few relatives in the area).

On the naughty and nice issue, does everyone get a fresh start every year or does your list carry over?
Mrs. Claus, like all good moms, helps set the policy on this important topic; she is a big believer in forgiveness & fresh starts and that everyone deserves a chance to move over to the Nice list.

Is global warming effecting the North Pole operations?
Frosty, who has a vested interest, handles such subjects and is concerned; while he sees progress, he asks everyone to do their part to shut lights, lower thermostats, and conserve energy by little things like walking more. Even Mrs. Clause is wearing her long-johns this year.

Many people get a little depressed during the holidays, as the Jolly Old Elf, any advice you can offer?
Great question! Jingle “Elf on the Shelf”, is in charge of North Pole morale; he is a big believer in a few ways to chase the blues – singing, going good deeds, picking up your toys, and playing outside in the sunshine. There are of course many ways, but all of the above will help exercise your mind and body which is very important……. and your behavior will inspire others around you to do the same. What a beautiful world it can be!

Do the elves at the North Pole continue to make all the gifts you bring, or have you out sourced some work?
While the Elves do have a mighty amount of work, all toys are built at home at the North Pole. This year, with the increase on the Nice-o-meter, the Elves have had to work extra, extra heard…. but they do so appreciate all the great ways the children are behaving this year – so it is a labor of love.

If you were not Santa, what kind of job would you like to have?
My, my…. I couldn’t imagine any better job than being Santa, but let’s play “pretend” – my job would have to involve being with children…. so I think I would love being a Teacher; I can’t think of a more worthy job, and incredibly important, than working with the children introducing them to the wonders of the world, and helping them build off the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. I hope in some small way, we all play Teacher, but I am humbled by their energy, patience, intelligence and love to help our children grow.

What are your favorite types of cookies?
I do love Oatmeal cookies, and the butter cookies with the little sprinkles – that is what gives me my belly, and my hearty “Ho, Ho, Ho”!

Do you know how to cook; if so, what’s your favorite meal to cook?

Unfortunately I do not cook and encourage all children to help their parents to learn how – this is one of my 2014 New Year’s Resolutions. To help keep us out of the hospital I now leave this to Mrs. Clause who keeps my belly very happy….. but I do help prep, and wash dishes (also helps keep Mrs. Cs hands soft).

What is Santa most thankful for from the Oakland children?

To the children on the Nice list: thank you for making this year such a success; thank you for your sharing, your smiles, your sticking up for children who may be picked on or seem different – whether its a differences in appearance/size, religion, or anything else. Thank you for being a friend.
To the children who didn’t make the Nice list: it’s never too late to start; we all have the power of good and I believe in you…. and look forward to next year.