Pat Tirri for Council

The Journal is publishing late submissions with the clarification that these responses were received after the publication of Frank Di Pentima’s answers.

All the candidates have stated that they intend to seek out the input, or assistance, of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce in terms of improving downtown Oakland and the local business climate in general. What would you expect from the Chamber of Commerce in terms of their input in improving downtown Oakland?

When improving Downtown, the input of the Chamber of Commerce is essential. The plan that Dave Skoblar and I call for includes the C.O.C, residents and elected officials to come together in order to build a successful downtown area. The input that would be needed from our business owners in particular are as follows:

  • an identification of the target markets that might come to the downtown and their relevant characteristics
  • listing of the products and services that our downtown offers, or could offer, to these target markets
  • an outline of the actions and initiatives that we can put in place to meet objectives

The current administration does not do this and it is evident unless of course they feel that Oakland residents are only concerned with drinking coffee and having their nails done.


As budgetary restraints will probably prohibit municipal funding for any major improvements to the downtown area, what efforts do you see the town being able to perform to improve the look?

The “look” of the downtown area can be improved simply with non-matching grants. Look at a small Passaic County town such as Haledon. They have been able to secure grants to accomplish much, if not all of their streetscape projects. As we, Dave Skoblar and I, have spoken to our business owners and residents, not one has expressed an interest for the current plan. Rather they have expressed an interest for beatification. Our residents for years have been asking for our Downtown to look “pretty” not “desolate”. Unlike our Mayor and Council, namely Frank DiPentima, our Finance Chair, who must be unaware of how to obtain grants and get the job done financially, Dave and I can. We understand that it must be a combined effort. Of course we could always reach out to Haledon where my brother Mike Tirri sits on the Council and has played an integral part in their Success.


Many residents see taxes going higher and little return on their money, are you in favor of a financial analysis that would compare Oakland’s services and taxes with those of surrounding municipalities in an effort to find areas for improvement?

Taxes going higher with little return is an understatement. Our opponents feel that a lower increase this year over last year is a good thing and, they are blaming it on the state, county, and schools as a way to cover themselves. Look, the residents of Oakland are not idiots, they understand that the tax bill is broken in parts, school, county and municipal. However this November 4th, we are voting to elect people that will keep our MUNICIPAL taxes in check. As we have expressed throughout our campaign, DiPentima and Stagg must stop the blame game. Dave and I have a plan; it’s a simple plan,

What is needed is a new, fresh approach that responds to a changing Oakland and a changing world. We must come up with answers, rather than fret over circumstances. The focus must be on the bigger picture. We must stop the blame game, take accountability and be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the borough. Our plan will begin in our first year. We will break down the budget, remove the waste and trim the fat. We will conduct a thorough review of all operating expenses and internal operations. We will build positive working relationships with members of the County and State Governments, regardless of their party affiliation. Most important we will be held accountable and will hold the other members of the Governing Body accountable for all spending.


What innovative ways could the candidates increase revenues to offset the cost of services?

I feel that increasing revenues may not be the answer since there are budgetary constraints as to how a municipality “makes money”, however, part of that answer lies with grants. Our current administration feels it is more important for our department heads to take up a great portion of their day applying for grants rather than run their respective departments. Grant writing is tedious and very time consuming. Our Fire Chief, DPW and Police Chief should not be bogged down researching and applying for grants and by doing so, takes away from the services they should be providing. Many towns hire “Grant Writing” firms that go out and obtain grants for a nominal fee. Usually a small percentage of any grant they obtain. Obviously this is the incentive if the grant writer wants to be paid. Maybe if our department heads weren’t so busy searching for grants, 3.8 million dollars from our budget might not have gone in the wrong direction and thus causing a tax increase for the next 5 yrs.


If we continue to purchase Oakland’s open space will there be a need to reconcile the loss of ratables?

Open space in many aspects, is why people initially moved to Oakland, and it needs to be addressed responsibly. In my opinion, the borough should make allowances for open space, however, this must be done in a way where the burden of maintaining those “Open Spaces” does not fall on the taxpayer. There are many grants on the state and federal level that can alleviate said burden, if properly and diligently pursued.


The topic of “going green” has been raised at council meetings and is a subject of national discourse. Would you support a study to determine the logistical and economic feasibility of a windmill to provide electricity for the Valley Middle School, Library, Recreation and Municipal Buildings area?

It is the responsibility of government to ensure that future generations are left with a healthy and safe environment. Both Dave and I would be in favor of a study to determine alternative ideas not only with electricity but also with fuel for our vehicles and equipment. However, understanding that a project calling for windmills may be a costly venture, we would need to incorporate the residents. An issue like this that affects each of us directly should be brought up by public referendum. Very similar to the open space fund which allows for the people to express if they should fund the project through their taxes. Let the people have their say. We already have heard from our opposition that they do not watch the day to day operations of the borough. Since that’s how they feel we cant leave the environment in their hands.


The Township of Wyckoff recently instituted “single stream recycling”. This allows residents to put all recyclables to the curb at once, and one truck is dispatched to pick up the items. Is this an option that should be considered for the residents of Oakland?

Absolutely! It is mind boggling that our opponents have not even started this process yet. With their claims of how much experience they have, they have shown us, the Oakland residents that they not only can’t implement the needed changes but don’t even think about them. Increasing our recycling equals more money coming into our budget which decreases taxes. Oakland does not have to recreate the wheel we just have to catch-up with the rest of the world. If elected Dave and I will explore this immediately.


In these tough economic times when the budget is such a big issue, many people are interested in knowing where candidates stand with regards to the estimated million dollar budget for the tennis court project. Where do you stand on this subject?

I have always been an advocate for recreation, whether it be for children or adults. In these dire times, however, we need to prioritize. Part of our campaign was to meet the residents and get their concerns. Just this past week we came across 10 different households where one member of each household had lost their job. Fathers and Mothers were concerned about paying their mortgages and have started taping into their children’s college funds. Interestingly enough, when we spoke to their neighbors, the issue on their minds were how are their neighbors going to make it through. Oakland has a special community. One that cares for it’s own. Although I would love nothing more than to have beautiful, “state of the art” tennis courts, I can’t, in all good conscience, look to blindly fund this project at present, not knowing if it will raise the taxes of those facing such tough times, and, I would question the motives of anyone who would.


The tennis court issue filled the council chambers with more people than anyone could remember in recent history. Although Oakland does its residents a service by broadcasting the meetings on Channel 77, do you foresee any effort the governing body can take to increase communal involvement?

Yes, again an easy solution. What Dave and I would like to implement is an open Forum once a month. This forum would allow the public to come and address the issues that concern them. Unlike public portion of the Council meeting where they only allow you 3 minutes and with no dialogue, the forum would allow an open and honest discussion between residents and their elected officials. Once again, Many towns have this format, why is our Mayor and Council so reluctant to addressing the public? Perhaps they just don’t feel it’s their responsibility.


What specifically would you do to assist residents in the Reserve who are facing dramatic increases?

The residents of the Reserve are feeling dramatic increases as is the entire town. There is really only one way to put this. Taxes need to be put under control. DiPentima and Stagg are patting themselves on the back for increasing taxes ONLY 8.5%. Next year maybe they can shoot for 7.5%. Gives us all a break! Cut the budget. Consolidate. Say NO sometime. Most of all stop blaming MUNICIPAL TAXES on something other than themselves. In April we will elect school board members and discuss their portion to the tax bill, today we talk about DiPentima and Stagg’s portion which increased over 50%.


Why do all of Oakland ‘s residents subsidize those who have municipal sewer service?

I think that the question is misstated; only those that are hooked to the municipal sewers are charged for it. I think the question is why should the Oakland residents pay for a 60 million dollar sewer to go through the center of town as is called for in the current administrations Master Plan? Our opponents have claimed that they want to bring sewers to the downtown area, however what they have not said is how it will cost 60 million to do so, only benefit the businesses and be paid for by the taxpayers. Once again they continue to prove how fiscally challenged they are.


There have been instances of senior citizens who are “lite” users and cannot justify the monthly expense of an Internet connection. As technology will permit existing vendors to permit time-limited usage to senior citizens on fixed incomes to access the internet for perhaps an hour a day, will you as a representative advocate on their behalf?

Without a doubt, both Dave and I will. I must address, that businesses such as Cablevision have contracts with the towns they serve. These contracts must be negotiated from time to time. Admittedly, I am not sure as to when the contract expires, but this is a bargaining chip. Towns receive “free service” when it comes to municipal owned building such as police and DPW. We have seen how our “experienced” opponents have negotiated when it comes to other contracts. Dave and I will negotiate this issue with those that do business in our community.

My statement:

I urge all residents to put party politics aside and support Tirri & Skoblar. The facts are clear; Taxes have increased over 50% in the past five years. This is a direct result of DiPentima and Stagg. Downtown? Years of planning and we receive a project that will only further congest the intersection of Yawpo, Ramapo Valley Road and West Oakland Ave? The Steam House left to diminish and on all issue they blame others. STOP!

Betsy Stagg claims that we don’t have the experience that she and Frank do. We have seen what their experience has caused. We can’t afford 3 more years of the same.

Frank claims that we are telling lies about the tax increase because he has only been there 3 years. The truth is over the past five years Di Pentima has been there 3, Stagg 6. Unlike DiPentima and Stagg, we Tirri and Skoblar, are one, a team. You attack me you attack Dave and vice versa. We have addressed the increases over the past five years since we figured that the Szabo administration was a team as well. I guess not. It is no wonder why the residents feel the way they do.

It is time Oakland elects those whose only interest is that of the residents and not of their PARTY AFFILIATION.

Please come out and vote Tirri and Skoblar on November 4th.

Thank you,

Pat Tirri