Recreation Committee Meeting

The Recreation Commission covered some old, new and ongoing items of business in their most recent meeting.

Tennis Courts

Plans to resurface the tennis courts are still underway as the Recreation Commission, in conjunction with the Town Council, seek out additional grants to fund the project. An initial bid has already been rejected, and discussions on remedying the lighting situation there while work is simultaneously being conducted on the surfaces was considered. The Town Council is reporting that the majority of funding the town plans on providing is already in place, and they hope to fill the remaining gap with an additional grant application. The Commission welcomed Bob Scalabrini as a new Commissioner, and he will be taking on oversight of the tennis program.

Volunteer for Soccer Web updates, No Experience Needed

The Commission discussed the need for a resident volunteer to help in the maintenance of the Rec website with regard to the Soccer Program. Technical knowledge is not a requirement, and any volunteer will be instructed in the process of manually updating the website. Someone looking to learn a new skill, or beef up a resume or college application, are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. It is estimated that eight hundred children will be involved in the program, and The Recreation Commission encourages being a part of this impressive program. Anyone interested in considering this position can contact the Rec Commission via their website.

Sprinkler System

Plans to install the new sprinkler system for Field 9 are being worked into the schedule with other municipal departments. The fifteen thousand dollar system was funded by the Oakland Sports Association which is headed by members from the Rec Commission, The Mother’s Club and Father’s Club. The OSA operates the Rec Refreshment Stand, and the profits it generates are used to help fund projects such as this one. Volunteers are always needed, and no experience is necessary; a member from one of the above organizations will show you the ropes.

Background Checks Funding

Background checks on coaches in the Rec Program was also on the agenda. A grant was obtained to cover the initial costs for the coaches background checks, but as new coaches are brought on each year, this becomes an ongoing operational cost. The Rec Commission will be working with the Town Council to determine the best method for covering this cost. Background checks average between twenty seven and thirty seven dollars for a state and federal check. The Rec Commission would like to keep fees down, especially in these economic times for families with children, but are also adverse to penalizing volunteers by adding an additional financial burden to the time and resources they commit. During the public meeting, a resident questioned whether state or federal authorities, who assumedly share concern for the safety of children, might mitigate the cost of access to the information they control. It was determined that the discounts offered volunteer organizations are limited and minimal.

Report of Vandals

The press box at the Rec Fields suffered some minor vandalism. There are no reported suspects at this time, but details of the crime indicate the culprits do not like sports or music.