Chicken Pot Pie Pizza

Chicken Pot Pie Pizza
By Tracy DiTolla of In Your Face! – New Jersey Cuisine

Click here to check out Tracy’s blog for more great recipes!

chickpizzaOne thing that everyone can use is a new recipe for what the hell to do with leftover chicken and here it is – Chicken Pot Pie Pizza!  My own amazing invention!  It is incredibly delicious and the perfect way to use up the previous night’s leftovers of baked potatoes, roast broccoli and roast chicken.

I usually make my own pizza dough because I want to stay organic but you can go down to your local pizza place and ask for some uncooked dough.  The toppings are what I was going to use to make chicken pot pie before I decided to make it into a pizza but you can change up the veggies and meat to your liking.  I use a pizza stone to cook this but you can also use a cookie sheet.



1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 3/4 cups flour
1/2 cup cornmeal plus extra to spread on pizza stone (make sure it’s organic! Don’t use GMO corn!!)
1 package active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons sea salt

Pour yeast and sugar into warm water and let sit 5 minutes.

In the meantime sift the rest of the dry ingredients together in a bowl.  After 5 minutes is up add water and oil to dry ingredients and mix with a spoon until combined then start kneading.  Add more flour as needed (1 tablespoon at a time) if the dough is too sticky.  Knead until smooth, about 5 – 10 minutes, form into a ball and then place in an oiled dish and cover with a dish towel.  Let sit 1 to 1 1/2 hours until it until doubled in size.

After the hour is up knead again for a minute or two and form back into a ball.  Let rise again for about another hour.  This is enough to make 2 pizzas – so divide in half.  You can also shape one half into a bread loaf and make bread with it if you don’t want 2 pizzas.

Ingredients for Topping:
(per pizza)

1 1/2 cups shredded chicken
1 cup chopped roasted broccoli
1 chopped baked potato
1 cup homemade gravy
grated cheese to taste
1/2 cup shredded cheddar
1/2 cup shredded fresh fontina
(a little cream cheese is also amazing on this but you can leave it off to keep calories down)

Heat oven to 425 degrees with pizza stone inside.

Place dough onto a well-floured pizza tray and shape into a pizza shape but be careful not to go too thin.  Don’t forget to also spread some cornmeal on your pizza stone to prevent sticking.

Use the gravy like you would use tomato sauce and spread out over pizza.  Then quickly add on and spread out all other ingredients.  You can add salt and pepper if you like but everything should be pretty seasoned since it is made from leftovers.

chickpizza2Don’t let it sit at all after this or the dough will get soggy and it will be impossible to get off of the tray.  Quickly transfer pizza from tray onto pizza stone by shimmying it off – this is difficult so I let my husband do it since he used to work in a pizzeria 🙂  Just be careful to make sure the pizza does not come off the sides of the stone.

Bake 12-16 minutes and serve hot 🙂
