Damn Nuns!

nuns_lcwr“Damn those nuns!”

While not an exact quote, it’s certainly the sentiment eminating out of the vatican with a report calling The Leadership Conference of Women Religious ( LCWR ) to task for their radical behavior.

The group recently was reviewed by The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, more formerly known as The Universal Inquisition. This is the department committed to enforcing Catholic doctrine.

The LCWR, which represents the vast majority of the 57,000 nuns in the United States, and their mission is to “collaboratively carry out their service of leadership to further the mission of the Gospel”.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the conference itself, is made up of more than 1500 leaders and representatives from the various religious orders throught America.

The LCWR was reprimanded for spending too much time on poverty and social-justice concerns and not enough on condemning abortion and gay marriage.

Not enough time on abortion and gay marriage…

God Bless The Leadership Conference of Women Religious for not spending enough time on abortion and gay marriage…There’s plenty of other people talking about it –  like every stinking politician in America.

The debate on abortion has raged on for 40 years, and the gay marriage issue has been a major issue in the last three presidential campaigns – not to mention numerous congressional and gubernatorial campaigns.

While such subjects might be important for political partisanship, civil rights activists, and a host of religious leaders, the nation is facing other serious challenges and threats – both forgein and domestic.

Let’s take an American sabbatical from the abortion and gay marriage debates, and we’ll all come back in a couple of years rested, refreshed, and not feeling sick to our stomachs every time they are discussed ad nauseum on the news, in print, and on the Internet.

Let’s focus on some of those other issues like jobs, poverty, and America’s over all decline as a nation….The gay marriage issue will still be there, the abortion issue will still be there.

But for now, let us all pray for those damn nuns – all 57,000 of them. They far out number the Catholic priests in America, and do most of the real work.

Readers can send prayers directly to God, and if inclined send donations to the LCWR.

Submitted by Charlie McCormick
Catholic Lite/ American Heavy

Washington Post