November Special Events at the Oakland Public Library

November Special Events at the Oakland Public Library (Children’s Dept.) The Oakland Public Library will host the fourth annual “Truck Day” in the Library’s Municipal Parking Lot on Saturday, November 4th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Oakland’s own DPW, Fire Dept., First Aid Squad, and Police Dept. will bring vehicles […]

Oakland’s Ramapo Hills Sanatorium 1

Oakland’s Ramapo Hills Sanatorium By Kevin Heffernan This is that time of the year for Oakland to celebrate the establishment of the Ramapo Hills Sanatorium with a parade, a proclamation and fireworks. As a point of fact it officially opened its doors to the relatively well- heeled but fatigued paying […]

The Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition

Mark Twain. The Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition. Volume 3. Benjamin Griffin, Harriet Elinor Smith, et al. (eds.) Oakland, California, University of California Press, 2015. As reviewed by Ted Odenwald The final volume of Twain’s “complete and authoritative” autobiography concludes the compilation of the author’s dictations, […]

Boy Scout Troop 49 Christmas Wreath and Roping Sale

Christmas Wreath and Roping Sale – Boy Scout Troop 49 of Oakland is having its annual sale. 21” Wreath Decorated with pine cones, berries and red bow is $20, Undecorated $12. 36” Decorated are $52, Undecorated $38. White Pine Roping $20 for 25 feet. Contact any Troop 49 scout, or […]

Halloween Program at the Oakland Public Library

Halloween Program at the Oakland Public Library (Children’s Dept.) Oakland children, ages 3 & up, are invited to a Halloween Celebration in the Children’s Dept. of the Oakland Public Library!  The event will be held on Thursday, October 26th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm and will include stories, an activity, […]

The Tower on Top of Skyline Drive 3

The Tower on Top of Skyline Drive By Kevin Heffernan On the top of Skyline Drive there is a massive stone tower which seemingly is lording over Oakland below as a sentinel of the valley. Everyone has seen it and many have strolled by it going to Ramapo Lake. However, […]