Yearly Archives: 2014

School Budget Passes with only 258 Votes

The Oakland School budget has passed. 428 people voted on it. 258 of them voted to pass the 26.6 million dollar budget. James Gaffney and John Scerbo retain their seats. They received 325 and 301 votes respectively. The average rise in taxes will be $98.00.

On the Job – April 22, 2014

APRIL 16:  Acting on information provided by another Oakland Police Officer working a security detail at the local Motor Vehicle Commission office, Ptl. Keith Docwra encountered three suspicious males at the Copper Tree Mall which resulted in the arrest of a twenty-nine year old Paterson, NJ resident.  The arrestee was […]

Living With Deer In NJ Survey

The NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife invites you to take a survey about Living With Deer In NJ. Take the survey: Read up on the whitetail deer in NJ:

Alpha Jewelers Robbed 1

On April 13, 2014 at approximately 8:54 a.m. the Oakland Police Department received a call of a reported burglary to Alpha Jewelers located at 383 Ramapo Valley Road. Sgt. Sanzari, PO Harvey and PO Broek responded. Preliminary investigation has revealed that the burglary is believed to have occurred sometime during […]