Spring 2012 Poll Results

pollspring2012Spring 2012 Poll Results
Conducted by Ryan Schwertfeger  of  Public Opinion Polls for Oakland

Results for the Spring 2012 Poll taken from March 26, 2012 until April 17, 2011. Margin of error is 11.2%.

1. Are you a male or female?

Male –> 37%
Female –> 63%

2. What is your age?

18-25 –> 5%
26-34 –> 4%
35-44 –> 20%
45-59 –> 55%
60+ –> 16%

3.Are you registered in a political party?

Yes, I am a registered Democrat –> 26%
Yes, I am a registered Republican –> 42%
No, I am an independent –> 29%
I am not registered to vote at all –> 3%

4. If the election for NJ Senator was between Democrat Robert Menendez and Republican Joe Kyrillos, who would you vote for?

Robert Menendez –>24%
Joe Kyrillos –> 18%
Undecided –> 54%
Would vote for someone else –> 1%
Not Registered to Vote –> 3%

5. Registered Republicans ONLY: Which Presidential candidate will you be voting for in the NJ June Primary?

Mitt Romney –> 38%

Rick Santorum –> 22%
Newt Gingrich –> 0%
Ron Paul 6%
Someone else –> 0%
Undecided –> 28%
Will not be voting in primary –> 6%

6. If you were to grade Governor Christie on his term so far, what grade would you give him?

A –> 18%
B –> 39%
C –> 22%
D –> 14%
F –> 5%

7. If you were to grade President Obama on his term so far, what would you give him?

A –> 5%
B –> 21%
C –> 34%
D –>  21%
F –> 18%

8. If you were to grade Mayor Schwager on her term so far, what would you give her?

A –> 13%
B –> 30%
C –> 49%
D –> 7%
F –> 1%

9. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Oakland’s Borough Council is doing?

Approve Strongly –> 4%
Approve –> 24%
No opinion/Don’t know –> 54%
Disapprove –> 14%
Disapprove Strongly –> 4%

10. If there were a farmer’s market in Oakland, how likely would it be that you would go?

Very likely –> 82%

Somewhat likely –> 13%
Not likely –> 5%
Unsure –> 0%

11. If Oakland had a farmer’s market, what would you like to see offered/shown? (poll takers were told to select all that apply) (Results are shown in votes, not percentage)

Fruits and Vegetables –> 65
Organic Fruits and Vegetables –> 46
Homemade Bakery Goods –> 52
Gluten Free Bakery Items –> 18
Breads –> 54
Cheeses –> 46
Natural Poultry, Meat, and Fish –> 32
Desserts –> 36
Eggs and Other Dairy –> 40
Flowers –> 48
Beverages –> 22
Handcrafted Household Goods –> 40
Art Exhibits –> 29

12. If there were workshops at the Oakland farmer’s market, which types of classes would you like to see offered? (poll takers were told to select all that apply)

Cooking –> 24%
Arts and Crafts –> 19%
Healthy Eating –> 20%
Gardening –> 24%
I would not be interested in taking a class –> 12%
No classes should be offered –> 1%

13. What day/s of the week would you prefer a farmer’s market to be? (poll takers were told to select all that apply)

Monday or Tuesday –> 7%
Wednesday or Thursday –> 10%
Friday –> 17%
Saturday –> 33%
Sunday –> 33%

14. Have you taken one of my polls before?

YES –> 32%
NO –> 64%
NOT SURE –> 4%