Van Allen House Update 5

van_allen_2013_updateThe Van Allen House recently got some good news as The Ramapough Conservancy proudly announced that the borough has received a grant award of $44,000 for additional work on the Van Allen House Property.

The grant from the Bergen County Historic Preservation Trust Fund was approved by the Bergen County Freeholders on June 19th.

In what had turned into a home improvement project from hell, with the Van Allen House in need of critical repairs and the Stream House a decaying shell, new hope springs as the 236 anniversary of George Washington’s visit descends on Oakland. ( July 14, 1777)

$16,200 was awarded for the historic preservation/restoration design of the Van Allen House; and $28,200 for preservation stabilization. The grant period runs from June 19, 2013- June 19, 2016, and there must be a first payment request made by June 19, 2015; the final payment request must be made by June 19 2016.

The property, known as the Van Allen House Property, also is home to the Vygeberg Farm Office Building -a.k.a The Stream House.  While the architecture of this building is unique to the period, it is the stone foundation that has attracted the most interest in terms of character and historic significance. Built directly over a stream,  the basement acted as a cool storage space for dairy products;  the building had also acted as Oakland’s first public library.

The Van Allen House has always been the primary focus of the Van Allen Property, with letters sent by  George Washington documenting that he actually slept there. It can be assumed that Washington did many other things  during his stay at the Van Allen House besides sleep and write letters.  Washington probably had something to eat; used the “bathroom” facilities;  prayed; drank water from the stream; meditated; washed his face; walked the land.

As the July 14th anniversary of George Washington’s visit approaches, take some time to walk the land where Washington walked.

The Ramapough Conservancy will be providing additional details, but continue to appeal for private donations and community involvement as they seek additional grants.


5 thoughts on “Van Allen House Update

  • Keith Ahearn

    This is great news! After all these years of inaction and all the politics, we’re finally going to see some work being done on this property. Anyone want to complain about the decision to turn the operation of this property over to the Ramapough Conservancy now?

  • Emmett Johnson

    Although it is positive news, I think we need to be prudent and not take a premature victory lap. Complete the resoration process and I will be the first to throw kudos to the Conservancy. Let’s face it, the new administration took an early victory lap on solving the traffic issues downtown, is anyone convinced that it has gotten better? Traffic was backed up on Ramapo Valley Road from Patriots Way to the light at Franklin Ave. at 5:05PM last night; taking me nearly 25 minutes to get to Indian Hills HS for my son’s graduation ceremony.

  • Karl

    Emmett,Name one thing the former administration did for traffic or the VAH. Other than that bird brain referendum, raise my taxes through the roof and run the town with an iron fist he did nothing. Next time do what everyone else in town does, and leave yourself more time before you go somewhere, that way you won’t be late.

  • anonymous

    Karl, The one thing the previous administration did was abandon these historical treasures. An absolute travesty in my opinion. I hope the Ramapough Conservancy can help bring these 2 buildings back to the glory they once were.

  • Bankrupt Taxpayer

    What a bessling it is to hear that we are finally receiving funds for these historical treasures. I thank Mayor Schwager for having the courage to “buck” my own party by spearheading the move to get help from Ramapough Conservancy. I tip my hat to Linda and Sandra for this courageous move. Shame, shame on my party for their negligence in this matter.

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