Movie Night Success

nightatthesmithOn Friday Aug 5th under the starry night sky of the Rec field the Sports Association of Oakland held it’s second annual movie night.  This year we all watched the sequel; Night at the Museum – Battle of the Smithsonian.

Unlike last year, there was no rain to dampen the enthusiasm and the movie went on as planned. Attendance was more than double what it was last year, which magnified the fun.  The members of the Sports Association wish to thank our Chairman Jim Folkerts for doing all the heavy lifting to make sure the event went off well.

Oakland is a special place and a night like August 5th is just one thing that makes our community so Great.   As we always look to improve from year to year the SAO is looking into doing something 3D next year, keep an eye out for it!

Enjoy the rest of your Summer!  ~ the Sports Association of Oakland