The Leprechaun vs. Governor Christie 1

The Leprechaun’s Lucky Day
By Michael McCormick

christieleprechaunOne day, I woke up to see Governor Chris Christie stealing my pot of gold. I ran straight after him, I was surprised to see how fast he could run and that I couldn’t catch him. He was running as fast as a chicken with its head cut off. As he was running he yelled “I knew there were leprechauns in Ireland, but I never expected to see one in New Jersey!”
I had to find out how to get the gold back from Chris Christie. I have to trick him. I later called Chris Christie and impersonated Donald Trump to ask him to a feast. I knew he would come if Donald did. I also knew he would definitely come to a delicious feast, so that is how I pulled him in. Governor Christie said he would be at the feast tomorrow at 6 P.M. I was almost certain he wouldn’t take an eye off of my pot of gold, so I was sure he would bring it with him. I just needed to know how to get the pot of gold from him.

As I was planning on how to get the pot of gold back I heard the doorbell ring. Once I opened the door and Governor Christie was there I told him Donald would be here very soon. I asked him, “Do you want me to hang up your coat in the closet”, but he said, “No, thank you.” That meant he must have the gold inside the coat. I needed a way to get his jacket. I had an idea. I turned up the heat really high and came back to the table. Sweat started pouring off of his face. I asked, “Are you sure you don’t want me to hang up your jacket in the closet?” He had denied me again. I turned the heat up even higher, then he finally agreed to give me his coat. As I escorted him to another room, I rushed back to check the closet. Sure enough, my gold was there and I grabbed it. Immediately after, I hid the gold. I told Governor Christie that Donald Trump just said he couldn’t come to dinner. After that, he left right away. I had gotten my gold back!

I hope Governor Christie learned his lesson, and wouldn’t even think about stealing from me again. I’m sure he learned never to give up his gold. Governor Christie definitely didn’t expect this for sure. My gold is finally safe.

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