Mystery Solved! 3

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A small mystery has come and gone in Oakland, but the story attached will undoubtedly continue to play itself out over the coming months. The link to a new website, has been circulating with little information as to who started it. is a website encouraging Republicans to vote for the Democratic candidates of Schwager, Coira and Lesher. The Journal received a letter from former Rec Commissioner Mike Guadagnino detailing the origins of, and followed up on that letter with some additional questions.

Below is the Q&A with Guadagnino followed by the original letter.


In the letter you submitted, you indicate that people are apprehensive about associating with Oakland Victory out of fear of reprisals? Do you honestly think this is the case in Oakland?

Not always, but often. People don’t want to seem confrontational, and right now there’s this thing in the air that if you disagree with someone you are being confrontational. People just want to live, work, volunteer, and be involved, but they don’t want confrontation. I hope people get inspired by and believe they can disagree and it’s not confrontational.

You were not reappointed to the Recreation Commission, and many people – probably yourself included- viewed that as being fired from the volunteer position. Is this political payback?

No. I stated my piece back when it happened, and this is not related. I have put this behind me, and have helped any present commissioners as they have come to me for help, questions and guidance. I guess I do have more time on my hands, that’s true, but the motivation is genuine. I believe in the ideas and goals posted on

What does the group Republicans for Schwager, Coira and Lesher know about the Democratic candidates that have inspired this support?

We know as much as most people. Linda is a long time resident, forty years I think, and she’s served before on the council. She actually used to be a Republican. I think Lesher also used to be a Republican also at some point, and he seems like a real consensus builder – someone who can discuss things without being confrontational. And Sandra, I know her from last years campaign, she’s young, she’s bright, and we need to be looking at the future.

The Letter

Fellow Oakland Residents,
I am a member of this Oakland Republican group that consists of about 20 members.  Many are also members of various committees, commissions, boards and the Oakland Republican club.  Due to fear of retribution and/or fear of being the target of personal attacks, everyone does not wish to come forward at this time.

As most people know, I helped spearhead the effort to stop the town council from hiring a full-time recreation director which would have cost over $100,000 annually. Many people will say I’m just angry because those efforts led to the mayor not re-appointing me to the Recreation Commission. Since I’m probably the easiest target for personal attacks, I volunteered to go public and give everyone a little information on this unknown group.

We are registered Republicans, or people that traditionally vote Republican.  We are not a sub-group being orchestrated by or even coordinated with the Democrats.  We are an independent group that wishes to join the democratic process.

We hold traditional Republican values of smaller government, better government. Our present elected leaders, all Republicans, don’t respect these values. They habitually seek to throw money at a problem, grow government bigger, and have basically wandered away from the real Republicans of Oakland.

We support the Democratic candidates because we believe on a local level the actual differences between parties is small. We believe the Democratic candidates will bring some oversight, some new ideas, and return Oakland to a town where differences of opinion can be discussed without being viewed as a threat. We also believe that the election of the Democratic ticket in November will in the short-term provide a better government, and in the long-term inspire the Republican party to get better.

Information about our website got out sooner than it was to be released, so it still is not complete. Our PAC paperwork is also not complete, which is another reason we were trying to stay quiet.  Please remember it is early June, the election isn’t until November, everyone will know everything about the group over the coming months.

The only thing that is near completion today is that the bumper stickers are expected to arrive in the coming days.  If anyone wishes to have a free bumper sticker, keep an eye on the website under “signs”.

We think democracy is a great thing, regardless of who you support.  On our website you will not find personal attacks; only ideas, reasons for change that we believe in and challenges to the current administration.

We believe people should vote their conscience, including using your vote to support write-in candidates next week at the June 7th primary.


Mike Guadagnino

3 thoughts on “Mystery Solved!

  • Keith Ahearn

    While neither a registered Democrat or Republican, I applaud the efforts of any group to change the direction of Oakland. For 8 years we have heard nothing but promises for better days ahead and then nothing but excuses as each promise has gone unfulfilled (mostly being “it’s all Trenton’s fault”) and as the campaign cycles have churned each year, only the names of the players have changed – never the score of the game. Instead of moving forward, Oakland has been mired in the mud of political backbiting and fingerpointing.

  • Bob Davis

    Thank you for the clarification regarding the origins of the website. I would note, however, that while you say in the above article that you intend the impact to be for the general election in November, it also appears to be directed at the primaries next week. I would suggest that your PAC paperwork be completed as soon as possible.

  • Bob Davis

    The comments I made earlier regarding timely filing of PAC paperwork appears to have sparked a spirited discussion on after my post here was lifted and placed there without my permission. I find it ironic that the same individual that lifted my comments here made strenuous objections when Charlie attempted to use recorded statements by Republican candidates last year on his website. I thought it a bit silly when Guadagnino wrote of retribution and fear by Republican dissenters to the current administration. Retaliation is something you normally associate with street gangs or despotic governments.The attempt to embarrass me on the other board appears to have failed. It is obvious that there are many in our town that believe in free speech and encourage thoughtful criticism, even If it comes at the expense of dampening the fun Democrats were having at the dissent within the Oakland Republican party. Perhaps the dissident Oakland Republicans should consider that their fear of expressing dissent is really their primary grievance. There are many in Oakland that will support your right to speak openy without fear of retribution. .

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