EZ Apple Pie 2

By Bev Kitchens


Cortland Apple

Love apple pies but not inclined to make them?

This time of year apples rule, and those of us lucky to live in the Northeast have easy access to all types of them.  Don’t you love the aroma of an apple pie baking in the oven? In fact, is there anyone who doesn’t? The fragrance conjures up contentment.

Summer is over, you are now indoors. Breathing in the warm fusion of apple, cinnamon, and butter conveys that winter is nearly here. It’s a welcoming acceptance of the new season. To some foodies this olfactory experience is so soothing that it’s not a stretch to believe all is right with the world when an apple pie is in the oven.

So why not make a pie more frequently?  I love reaping the benefits, but admittedly my inner laziness often prevails, and  I do not want to  face the notion of making pastry , messing with it, and slicing all the apples. Here’s a shortcut that yields similar results. Not exactly the same, but very satisfying, and the aroma is spot right on, guaranteed.

You will need:

4 large Cortland Apples *.
Cinnamon. Nutmeg, Ground Cloves.  pinches
Chopped Walnuts
Lemon wedge, enough to squirt into 4 open apple cores
Butter ( up to you,  estimate 2 +tsps. )
Maximum of 1 Tbls. sugar
Store bought pasty dough  ( I use one shell of a triple pack frozen deep dish variety )
Baking pan large enough to hold all 4 apples

This is the season , the best, and to some,
the only time to eat apples.  So take full advantage of it  . I get mine from Abma’s.. love them www.abmasfarm.com


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Click to Enlarge

Assemble the apples: 10 minutes

-Core and wash each apple

-Place in baking dish, right side up

-Squirt a bit of lemon juice into each core

-Sprinkle the spices into the open core, and jam in some chopped walnuts . Sprinkle the cores again with the spices, add more walnuts. Repeat.

-Dot each core with some butter  ( That’s it, EASY  as …)

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Click to Enlarge

Pastry to the oven: 10 minutes

-Split the pastry shell in 4th’s. Make each into a small lump.

-Roll out each one on a floured surface

-Kinda make a triangle;it doesn’t have to be accurate

-Pick up the pastry by sliding a knife underneath the pieceand plopit over the top of the apple.

-After each apple has it’s own pastry covering, make slits in the dough, over each core

-Sprinkle a few drops of cold water onto the top of each apple, and then sprinkle a little sugar on top. H20 will hold the sugar to the dough.

-Lastly, pour a little hot water in the pan, ½  cup-ish.

-Place into preheated oven

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Click to Enlarge

Bake one hour at 350. Pastry on top will get slightly brownish…….Ahhhh, enjoy the aroma now pervading your home.

Serve each apple in an individual bowl with a big spoon.

Add some Welsh’s Farm cream. Sprinkle more sugar, if desired.

2 thoughts on “EZ Apple Pie

  • Ryan Robinson

    Good Choice with the cortland apples, those are really the best. I make my pies with cortlands and granny smith. 4 courtland 4 granny.

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