The most delicious, wonderful, fluffy piece of heaven recipe

Jersey Ice Box Cake

Recipe by Tracy DiTolla of In Your Face – New Jersey Cuisine

tracycake2This cake is the most delicious, wonderful, fluffy piece of heaven that you will ever have. It starts with home made chocolate chip cookies and it ends with a decadent chocolate icing.

Ok, so start out by following the Freaking Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, except instead of making small cookies make four BIG cookies. Take the cookie dough and form 4 discs on a greased cookie sheets each 6 inches across and about 3/4 of an inch high. It will take a little longer to cook these, approx 15 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned. Take them out of the oven and let them cool on the cookie sheet for about 5 minutes so they set. Carefully transfer them to a cooling rack making sure to use a large enough spatula so they do not break. Let them cool completely. You can make the icing while they are cooling and also use the remaining cookie dough to make more chocolate chip cookies 🙂


2 cups heavy cream
8 oz container mascarpone
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons baileys
1 tablespoon vanilla

Beat all ingredients on med-high until you reach a whipped cream consistency – approximately 2-3 minutes.

tracycake1In a circle cake pan lined with parchment paper place one of the large cookies. Spread icing over top of cookie. Then continue stacking cookie and icing until the 4th cookie. Spread icing over top and sides so it looks like a cake.

Place in refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight. Remove from pan, remove parchment paper from underneath, plate it and serve cold. Excellent for Spring and Summer events and soooooooooo damn good!