FLOW Feeling The Pain 1

Gas lines have tempered with the odd/even restrictions – but the pressure of limited gas supplies, numerous homes without power, and a full week since Sandy hit northern NJ have left many people cold, stressed, and sitting in the dark with regard to when conditions will improve.
Power has been restored to some areas of Franklin Lakes, Oakland and Wyckoff, but wide spread power still have left a large number of homes and businesses without light — and without heat.
Add on to the drop in temperature over the last week with no power, another storm is forcast for late Wednesday through Thursday with some gusts expected to reach up to 50mph.
This could further delay utility crews from restoring power to residents, and may add to the troubles with additional downed trees and downed power lines.
Residents should sign-up for e-blasts coming from their town hall to be made aware of any new and/or important developments.
Franklin Lakes
Oakland NJ


Oakland Patch


Oakland Borough Hall

FYI: Oakland does not have a sign-up available for getting email updates to residents. If anyone is interested in donating $40 a month so Oakland can have the same features as Wyckoff & Franklin Lakes, they should contact borough hall. Or, 40 residents can donate $1 a month…

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