New Bravest 5


Assistant Chief Bob Knapp, Jim DeLillo, FF Joe Gallup

Oakland’s Bravest score two-for-one as Jim DeLillo was sworn in as a member of The Oakland Volunteer Fire Department at the recent town council meeting. Jim has 5 years Heavy Rescue experience from his time with the Fair Lawn Rescue Squad, and he is already well acquainted with other volunteers at the firehouse through his work in photography. Fire Fighters and emergency personnel have enough to worry about in an emergency without being concerned about a photographer putting himself or herself in harms way; Jim relieves Oakland volunteer emergency personnel of that concern, brings valued training, and will provide Oakland with advanced skills with regard to a 21st century imaging unit.

While many fire photographers need training, Jim’s service in Fair Lawn gave him the hands on experience needed to serve his dual roles in Oakland. Fires are unpredictable and dangerous, and firefighters go through extensive training that incorporates photography as a teaching tool. Also, as Oakland’s Volunteer Fire Department is celebrating 100 years of service to the community, documenting the history of the organization for future generations is in the minds of many.

Fire photographers are a special breed, and in 1964 they organized themselves into The International Fire Photographers Association was organized in 1964 out of a Chicago firehouse. By 1965 they had members throughout the United States and Canada, and in 1984 the New Jersey Metro fire Photographers Association was formed. The fire photographers responding to the 9/11 crisis in NYC provided some of the first images which were crucial to coordinating rescue missions, and today fire photographers have their work disseminated in the news everyday.

Jim DeLillo’s passion for photography extends beyond fire and into outer space as previous Journal articles have noted. He has also enjoyed great success through Istockphoto where his images have been downloaded over 10,000 times. Undoubtedly, Oakland wins big with the addition of a trained emergency volunteer and accomplished photographer joining the ranks of Oakland’s Bravest.

Photos by Jim DeLillo:

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