Happy New You Year 3

new_you_201212 Things for a Better New You Year

Be More Curious

Wonder more about things. Whether it’s art, music, politics or science, be more curious. Ask a few additional “whys” and then go seek the answers.

Make a Pilgrimage

A pilgrimage is usually associated with a holy place, but you can define your own. Maybe it’s your hometown where you grew up, a place off in the woods, the sea shore, or an historical site. It’s the journey, the purpose, that counts, so create your own pilgrimage.

Memorize Some Verses

There are a lot of great short poems which are easy to memorize; or perhaps just memorize some poetic or sacred verses that inspire you the most. It’s nice to be able to recite inspiring words for both yourself and others.

Be An Artist

Create something, anything. Take a great photograph, write a poem, build something with your own hands, sing, it’s about being a creator.

Forgive Someone

You don’t have to call someone on the phone and say, “I forgive you” – that actually might piss them off. But you can forgive someone in your own heart. It will make you feel better and they don’t have to know about….But if it helps, call them and tell them.

Recognize Someone’s Achievements

Giving recognition to another person is really important. Everyone in life struggles one way or another, so it’s nice to recognize another person’s achievements – big or small – it’s all good.

Enjoy Nature More

Everyone talks about nature, but we’re often to busy to really enjoy it. If you can, take a walk in the woods, swim, roll around in the grass. If you’re less physically inclined, meditate on a tree, a bird, the sun, the moon and the stars.

Share History

History is what we pass on to the next generation. If you are watching an old movie, an old TV show, or just reminiscing, share some history with others – older or younger.

Offer Something to Someone

We often offer to help someone when we see or hear they need it, but offer something out of the blue. Surprise someone. It may be to help out with something, or maybe just go to a movie or go out together. Make an offer.

Laugh More

Laughing is good for your mind, body and soul. Some health gurus advise at least 10 minutes of belly laughter throughout the day. If nothing strikes your fancy and makes you laugh, then think of something funny from the past; if you can’t think of something funny – then just laugh at nothing.

Talk to Someone New

A lot of us are shy, and that keeps us circling our same social circle. Sometimes 2 to 5 minute conversations can make up for an entire lousy day. Don’t over analyze it, just share an observation, a thought, a moment, and see what happens.

Say I Love You More Often

-Say “I love you” more often to those you normally say it to, and say it a little more often to some people you normally don’t. Even if it’s just a jocular, “I love you, man”, it still carries a positive feeling.

3 thoughts on “Happy New You Year

  • Martin Treich

    What a great list, very inspirational and none require a significant investment in money, only a personal investment of time. Thanks for the list. I plan to use it.

  • Charlie McCormick

    Thanks Martin…The list idea actually started with the concept of a “universal bucket list”..things everyone should aspire to do before they die….none of them were very universal and most very expensive. So we created this list that fits every budget.

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