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The Mechanics of Santa Claus

The holiday season brings with it many joys, and many questions. A lot of the questions revolve around Santa Claus, and how can he be real. How can an old overweight man travel the earth delivering toys to children? How can his reindeer fly? How can he carry all those […]


The results of the PISA exams, administered worldwide to about half a million 15 year olds, were released on December 3rd. The United States Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, stated that the scores for American students were flat and reflected a “picture of educational stagnation” – basically saying American test […]

Exclusive Interview with Santa!

While Santa is in town for Oakland’s Annual Lighting Ceremony, The Oakland Journal had the honor of Interviewing the Jolly Old Elf! What will you ask Santa tonight? Tell us about the kids in Oakland- overall, have they been naughty or nice? In 2013 Nice-o-meter has been way up – […]

It’s Over….For Now…

It’s Over….For Now… The Jonas Brothers, Wyckoff natives and global pop stars, are calling it quits…for now…as a band. It’s news that came on suddenly for fans, and perhaps the band itself, as promotions for an upcoming tour were continuing until it was abruptly cancelled in the beginning of October. […]

Pillars of Freedom 1

It is Free Speech week, a week that will go relatively unnoticed but should not. America honors it’s soldiers with Memorial Day and Veterans Day; honors the birth of the nation with July 4th celebrations; honors the workers of America with Labor Day; and gives thanks for innumerable blessings on […]

Government Stops, Death Marches On 1

1 active duty soldier and 22 U.S. military veterans commit suicide every day. The government shutdown, which is into its 8th day as of October 9th, 2013, inspired new outrage from the American public. The recent outrage concerns the failure of the Unites States government to supply the death benefits […]